Technical Services

Did You Know...

EduTech, along with our district partners, collaboratively support over 30,000 technology devices.

The MTS team has skilled professionals ready to assist the changing technical environments.

Workstation Support

The workstation support category includes support related to workstations, network access (Internet, LAN, Printing), desktop operating system troubleshooting, hardware diagnostics, and research and development.

Equipment, Special

This area covers all district hardware purchases. While we cannot predict what your district costs will be year to year, we can estimate what your district has spent to date with EduTech for hardware. Estimated totals can be obtained by contacting your Project Coordinator.


Contact Information

Eric Milillo |Manager MTS

Phone: 315-332-7400

Shared Support

The Shared Support service provides a technician shared between multiple districts who will provide computer support in the areas of his/her expertise.