Frontline Response to Intervention (RTI)

An effective RTI program can improve student outcomes and reduce special education referrals, but it’s not easy to manage. Frontline RTI handles all of the tracking, monitoring and analysis necessary to streamline and scale your RTI model.

When your school shares data in your student system with Frontline (i.e. Frontline Sync), even if the data initially was provided for use in Frontline IEP, it's automatically available to Frontline RTI without needing to request anything from EduTech.

However, should your school wish to make use of the Frontline RTI Viewer, you'll need to complete the following steps in Frontline RTI:

  1. Log in to Frontline RTI if you haven't already

  2. Click Maintenance>SIS Data Integration (first box)

  3. Click the "RTI Viewer Access Setup" link

  4. Make sure that the "View Status" is marked as "Enabled" and if not, mark "Enabled"

  5. Leave what appears in the "Security Token" field as is (do not change it), and skip to the next step

  6. Click the "Reports" field, and select the reports you wish to have visible via the RTI Viewer

  7. Save your changes