Special Education
IEP Direct
IEP Direct was developed exclusively for New York State Special Education professionals. IEP Direct enables 24/7 access to Special Education data from any computer connected to the web.
System Features:
- IEP Direct uses state-of-the-art security technology to assure that private records remain private
- A comprehensive library of goals and objectives fully aligned with New York State learning standards
- Electronic submission of New York State PD reports and STAC reports.
- Integrated Medicaid billing
- Integrated AIS tracking
Medicaid Reimbursement provides additional revenue for the specified health related services above and beyond the state aid provided for high cost children.
The Medicaid Reimbursement Program was developed in collaboration with the State Education Department (SED) and Department of Health (DOH) in an effort for schools to receive additional revenue on students, ages 5-21, who receive Health Related Support Services (HRSS).
Data Tracking is done in either IEP Direct or ClearTrack 200 System.