Frequently Asked Questions
How do I register for a workshop?
Register using My Learning Plan (Frontline Education). Non My Learning Plan members will need to register and then print the confirmation form for administrators signature to be sent to the indicated address or fax number. A confirmation will be e-mailed to you. Phone registrations cannot be accepted. Registrations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
Deadline for registrations is two weeks prior to a scheduled workshop. The registration form MUST be signed by your APPROVING ADMINISTRATOR. If you need a form and/or other information, please call: 1-315-332-7729
What should I do if I don’t receive a confirmation?
Call us at least three days before your scheduled workshop. Do not attend a workshop if you have not confirmed your registration.
What happens if I am registered for a workshop but I cannot attend?”
Cancellations may be made by calling : 1-315-332-7729 or by logging into My Learning Plan and cancelling your enrollment. Please cancel as soon as possible to allow us ample time to fill the class from our waiting list.
Are workshops ever canceled or postponed?
If we do not receive a minimum of three registrations for a course by the registration deadline, the course will be canceled. Sometimes classes will be postponed due to extenuating circumstances. It may be necessary to cancel participation in a given workshop due to schedule conflicts, etc. Your district will not be charged if: there is a 14 day notice of cancellation and the cancellation does not adversely impact another district by raising costs or diminishing the quality of the workshop. When a consultant is contracted with to provide a workshop and the district cancels its registration, we must honor the contract while not asking the remaining districts to pay a higher price than originally given. We will make every attempt to give timely notification to all participants affected by a cancellation.
When weather is a factor: Workshops will be canceled only when the building in which the training site is located closes due to WEATHER RELATED conditions.
LeRoy Upstate Farms Location: LeRoy Services Center– GV BOCES
Newark Lab Location: Regional Support Center - Newark
The Regional Support Center (RSC) in Newark will be closed at the discretion of the district superintendent. The closing of the RSC will be broadcast on Rochester television channels 8, 10 and 13. Listen for the closing of the WFL BOCES Regional Support Center. If the RSC closes, then workshops scheduled at the RSC will be canceled.
Workshops scheduled at the LeRoy location will be canceled if the GV BOCES—LeRoy Service Center is closed. The closing of the GV BOCES-LeRoy Service Center will be broadcast on Rochester television channel 10 and Buffalo channel 7. Radios stations such as WBTA (1490 AM Batavia) and WBEN/WTSS/WKSE (930 AM Buffalo) will also announce closings. WHAM/WVOR (1180 AM) will not announce closings will have them posted on their website.
You may access a recorded message with any workshop cancellations by dialing (315) 332-7265. For all other emergencies, we will either attempt to contact you by phone or post a sign in the workshop location.
Canceled Workshops due to weather conditions will also be posted on the EduTech website.
Example: if the Regional Support Center in Newark closes, workshops will be canceled. Delays do affect workshop-starting time. If inclement weather is forecast, please listen to your radio for closing information, and, above all, use your best judgment about whether you should attempt to attend.
What time do workshops start?
Most workshops run from 8:30 a.m.- 2:30 p.m. with an hour break for lunch, unless otherwise noted. All workshops will begin promptly.
What about lunch?
Lunch is on our own unless specified. Our training sites are located in proximity to several restaurants. Your workshop trainer can guide you to local dining areas, or bring a bag lunch and eat right on site.
How should I dress?
We suggest that you dress in comfortable, casual clothes. It may be helpful to dress in layers, since room temperatures are sometimes unpredictable.